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Spielbox #3 2015 est sorti

1080 Spielbox

Et au programme de ce numéro en anglais (avec un article sur Cannes et une carte bonus pour Dixit):

Strategy is a Matter of Character: Marco Polo (on y revient 😉 )
The Review: The Game
Dealing in Lemons: Da Luigi
The Best Weather Report in the World: Neptun
Lying at Dizzying Heights: Yak/Larry
Noble Intrigues: Royals
Tantalus and Dionysus: Panthalos
Easier Access to the Universe: Roll for the Galaxy (on y revient 😉 )
My Castle is my Home: The Castles of Mad King Ludwig
Beastly Jostling: Beasty Bar
Missed Opportunity: Onward to Venus
Matrix Instead of Theme: Historia

A new card for Dixit (Libellud/Asmodee)

Impuses from France: Festival International des Jeux, Cannes 2015

My Look Back
Museum in the Mountains:  Games on the High Road

World Champiion Maker: Erwin Glonegger

About Walls and Property Rights: City Building Games, Part VII

To be Continued
Village: Port
7 Wonders: Babel

Board Games Meets Silicon Valley: Manfred Lamplmair (Rudy Games)

You Say Tomato: My Turn: It’s All in the Name
Audacious Auctions: Oldie: Der Garten des Sonnenkönigs

For Kids
Push a Monster
Crazy Coconut
Pass auf, kleine Krabbe

At a Glance
Bad Bunnies
Assel Schlamassel
Kling Klang Klunker

Appropos: Star Realms

Short Notes
Spiel des Jahres 2015
Kniziathons receive anniversary-related backing

Tweaks and Variations
Skull King


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